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Where is the 'Great Crowd?'  Location of Nouns in John's Vision of Heaven
From the Opening of the Door Through the Opening of the Seven Seals on the Scroll

Robert V Frazier



Where is the "great crowd" of Revelation 7:15? One of the core doctrines of Jehovah's Witnesses is that the group depicted in this verse resides on the earth. Witnesses believe that the vast majority of redeemed mankind will be blessed with everlasting human life on earth, while only a "little flock" of 144,000 will go to heaven to serve with Christ. Thus, one of the Watchtower Society's main doctrines is that there are actually two classes of Christians--the earthly class, and the heavenly class. They are taught that Christ is the mediator for only the "anointed" 144,000 members of the heavenly class. (See the 11/15/79 Watchtower article, "Benefiting from 'One Mediator Between God and Men'" under the subheading "Mediator to How Many?," specifically paragraph 12 on page 24 and paragraph 22 on page 26. See also Questions from Readers in the 4/1/79 Watchtower, "Is Jesus the 'mediator' only for anointed Christians?") Those of the earthly class, therefore, are not in the new covenant mediated by Christ and enjoy a relationship with God only by virtue of their association with those who profess to be the last remaining members of the 144,000 still on earth.  Robert V. Frazier provides a detailed study of where nouns are located in the Apocalypse and argues that the location of the 'great crowd' cannot really be in doubt.


Click here to see the raw data for every noun of location in this passage.  Here I will offer a few observations, and then refute the Watchtower's thesis that "the great crowd, which no man was able to number" is not located in Heaven in John's vision, as the text very plainly teaches, but rather on Earth (which, not incidentally, is being blasted by God's angel-delivered judgment at the time of the events recorded in John's vision).

1) The text very plainly teaches that the great crowd is in Heaven. Not only in the passage analyzed below, but also even more explicitly in Revelation 19:1-3: "1 After these things I heard what was as a loud voice of a great crowd in heaven. They said: �Praise Jah, YOU people! The salvation and the glory and the power belong to our God, 2 because his judgments are true and righteous. For he has executed judgment upon the great harlot who corrupted the earth with her fornication, and he has avenged the blood of his slaves at her hand.� 3 And right away for the second time they said: �Praise Jah, YOU people! And the smoke from her goes on ascending forever and ever.� (Note: though it does say "as a loud voice", there can be no question that this is a literal great crowd -- the people in the crowd are quoted twice! And John means it when he says they are in Heaven.)

2) Until Joseph Rutherford came along, nobody ever taught the dogma that the great crowd was anywhere else but Heaven. Nobody has ever learned that dogma from the text of Revelation, because there is no support for that dogma in the text. Exactly the opposite is true.

3) According to the Society, the source of this novel and anti-biblical dogma was not the text (which they had been carefully studying for decades, almost to the point of obsession), nor any new data (which could only have come from new manuscripts of Revelation, of which there are none), nor from any new scholarship brought to bear on the text (they did not trust nor accept the contributions of scholarship), but on some mysterious and ill-defined phenomenon they describe as "light flashing up". This, if it actually means anything at all (which is doubtful), can only mean extra-biblical supernatural revelation of new truth not only not taught in the Bible, but emphatically and repeatedly taught against in the Bible.

4) Such extra-biblical supernatural revelation of new truth is always subject to careful testing, testing to find out if it came from God or from Satan. At the conference in Washington D.C., May 30-June 3, 1935, Rutherford introduced this novel dogma, and it was instantly and completely uncritically swallowed by the rank and file present, with no testing whatsoever -- according to the Society's own account:

5 The understanding of Revelation 7:9-17 was now about to burst forth in all its sparkling brilliance! (Psalm 97:11) The Watchtower magazine had repeatedly expressed the hope that a convention scheduled for May 30 to June 3, 1935, in Washington, D.C., U.S.A., would be "a real comfort and benefit" to those pictured by Jehonadab. That it proved to be! In a stirring talk on "The Great Multitude," delivered to about 20,000 conventioners, J. F. Rutherford, president of the Watch Tower Society, gave Scriptural proof that the modern-day other sheep are identical with that great crowd of Revelation 7:9. At the climax of this talk, the speaker asked: "Will all those who have the hope of living forever on the earth please stand?" As a large part of the audience stood up, the president declared: "Behold! The great multitude!" There was a hush, followed by thunderous cheering. How elated was the John class-and also the Jehonadab group! On the following day, 840 new Witnesses were baptized, most of these professing to be of that great crowd.

5. (a) What identification of the great crowd was made in 1935? (b) When J. F. Rutherford in 1935 asked
conventioneers who had the hope of living forever on earth to stand up, what happened?

Revelation: Its Grand Climax At Hand!, pp. 120-122.

From that day to this, Jehovah's Witness have continued to accept this dogma as "truth", despite the Bible emphatically teaching against it. Note that though "Scriptural proof" is claimed for the new dogma, none is actually given in this account.

5) Extra-biblical revelations of new dogmas that are in direct contradiction to the Bible's teachings do not come from God. This one, like all others, ultimately comes from Satan, and not from God.

Now, for the Watchtower's flimsy excuse for a rebuttal to the Bible's clear teaching:

In Heaven or on Earth?

12 How do we know that "standing before the throne" does not mean that the great crowd is in heaven? There is much clear evidence on this point. For example, the Greek word here translated "before" (e�no'pi�on) literally means "in sight " and is used several times of humans on earth who are "before" or "in the sight of" Jehovah. (1 Timothy 5:21; 2 Timothy 2:14; Romans 14:22; Galatians 1:20) On one occasion when the Israelites were in the wilderness, Moses said to Aaron: "Say to the entire assembly of the sons of Israel, 'Come near before Jehovah, because he has heard your murmurings.'" (Exodus 16:9) The Israelites did not have to be transported to heaven in order to stand before Jehovah on that occasion. (Compare Leviticus 24:8.) Rather, right there in the wilderness they stood in Jehovah's view, and his attention was on them.

13 Additionally, we read: "When the Son of man arrives in his glory . . . all the nations will be gathered before him." The whole human race is not in heaven when this prophecy is fulfilled. Certainly, those who "depart into everlasting cutting-off" are not in heaven. (Matthew 25:31-33, 41, 46) Instead, mankind stands on earth in Jesus' view, and he turns his attention to judging them. Similarly, the great crowd is "before the throne and before the Lamb" in that it stands in the view of Jehovah and his King, Christ Jesus, from whom it receives a favorable judgment.

14 The 24 elders and the anointed group of 144,000 are described as being "round about the throne" of Jehovah and "upon the Mount Zion." (Revelation 4:4; 14:1) The great crowd is not a priestly class and does not attain to that exalted position. True, it is later described at Revelation 7:15 as serving God "in his temple." But this temple does not refer to the inner sanctuary, the Most Holy. Rather, it is the earthly courtyard of God's spiritual temple. The Greek word na�os', here translated "temple," often conveys the broad sense of the entire edifice erected for Jehovah's worship. Today, this is a spiritual structure that embraces both heaven and earth.-Compare Matthew 26:61; 27:5, 39, 40; Mark 15:29, 30; John 2:19-21, New World Translation Reference Bible, footnote.

12, 13. In what way is the great crowd "standing before the throne and before the Lamb"?

14. (a) Who are described as being "round about the throne" and "upon the Mount Zion"? (b) Though the great crowd serve God "in his temple," why does this not make them a priestly class?

Revelation: Its Grand Climax At Hand!, pp. 123-124.

And my refutation of the above.

1) Note the loaded question: not "Does 'standing before the throne' necessarily mean that the great crowd is in heaven?", but rather, "How do we know that 'standing before the throne' does not mean that the great crowd is in heaven?" (emphasis mine). It's dishonest to push your conclusion on your students before giving the evidence for it. As we've seen, above, "standing before the throne" does mean that the great crowd is in heaven, and this only part of the Bible's evidence for this fact.

2) The Society is quite right in saying that e�no'pi�on literally means "in the sight of". It's not a preposition (properly, it is the neuter of e�no'pi�os), though it often serves as an improper preposition. (BAGD, p. 270.) When used of place, it means "before someone or something". It always has the basic meaning of "capable of being seen with one's own eyes". Yes, it is true that it is used in the verses cited above in paragraph 12 to mean "in God's sight". Let's see if this helps the Society's case. Grammatically, e�no'pi�on can mean one of three things when said of two persons, let's say, John and Mary:

John can see Mary, but Mary cannot see him.
Mary can see John, but John cannot see her.
John and Mary can both see each other.

Any one of these three ideas could be stated as either "John is e�no'pi�on Mary," or "Mary is e�no'pi�on John."

In the passages cited, God can see us, but we cannot see Him. It is in that sense that we are e�no'pi�on Him.

However, in the Revelation passages in the first post, it is not God that the great crowd is e�no'pi�on -- rather, it is God's throne. This would have to mean one of the three things listed above, grammatically:

The throne can see the great crowd, but the great crowd cannot see it.
The great crowd can see the throne, but the throne cannot see them.
The throne and the great crowd can both see each other.

Now, while each of these is grammatically correct, only one of them is other than complete nonsense -- the second. Thrones cannot see. Nor will it do to protest that the throne can be used as a euphemism for God, who sits on the throne. True, it can be, but in John's account, he does not. Over and over, he refers to the throne separately and distictly from God who is on the throne. "God" and "throne" cannot both be referring to the same Being at the same time in the same passage.

3) The Exodus 16:9 passage is entirely irrelevant, as even in Greek translation, it does not contain the same word that is under discussion, e�no'pi�on, but rather en�an�ti'�on. Nor would it help their case a whit if it did; it would then still be condemned by the analysis given above in point 2. Leviticus 24:8 does contain the word e�no'pi�on, and of course, it is condemned by the analysis in point 2 above. There is nowhere in the universe that is not e�no'pi�on God, but God's throne cannot see. To be e�no'pi�on the throne, you have to be close enough to it to see it.

4) Matthew 25:31-33, 41, 46, again, does not contain e�no'pi�on, but rather em�pros�then. Further, the Society offers no reason for this bizarre denial of what God's word says: "The whole human race is not in heaven when this prophecy is fulfilled. Certainly, those who 'depart into everlasting cutting-off' are not in heaven." "Certainly" what Jesus says is not true? Why should I believe that? The Bible never says that the unrighteous will get to live in Heaven, but who says they cannot be brought there to face God on judgement day? It's normal procedure, even here on Earth in worldly courts, for accused criminals to be brought to the courtroom to face their accusers and stand trial. Why should anyone think that God's court cannot operate the same way?

5) Once again, the Revelation passage I analyzed in the Raw Data never says that anyone is e�no'pi�on God. It says that the great crowd, and all of those other nouns, are e�no'pi�on the inanimate, unseeing throne of God. Thus, it completely misses the point of the passage to write: "Similarly, the great crowd is 'before the throne and before the Lamb' in that it stands in the view of Jehovah and his King, Christ Jesus, from whom it receives a favorable judgment." Yes, the great crowd is always in view of the Father and Jesus Christ, and could not possibly be otherwise, but when they are in Heaven, they will be close enough to God's throne to see it. It is not a question of what God can see. It is a matter of what the great crowd can see -- the unseeing throne.

6) "The 24 elders and the anointed group of 144,000 are described as being 'round about the throne' of Jehovah and 'upon the Mount Zion.' (Revelation 4:4; 14:1)" True, some statements are made about these groups that are not made about the great crowd. They are not such that the former two groups are in Heaven, but the latter is not. As we saw in the analysis, there are many nouns that are located only by the phrase "before the throne": the seven lamps, the glassy sea, and all the angels -- and yet the Society does not question that all of these are actually in Heaven. Any reading of the passage I analyzed, however casual or detailed, will inevitably find only the same evidence leading to the same conclusion I reached -- the great crowd is in Heaven, as surely as the seven lamps, the glassy sea, all the angels, the 24 elders, the 4 living creatures, the Lamb, and yes, even God Himself. All of these are described as being in the immediate vicinity of the throne in Heaven, and most of them cannot be placed in Heaven at all except in relation to that throne. Take the great crowd out of Heaven, and you have to take everything and everyone else with them, leaving nothing in Heaven but an empty throne.

7) The Society grudgingly admits that God says the great crowd serves him day and night in the temple. But, rather than sully their newly-minted dogma with any contamination from the context of the book of Revelation, they go casting hither and yon to other temples that have no bearing on the one John is actually writing about. Again, I refer you to Revelation 11:1, 11:19, 14:17, 15:5 to see where, in context, John says the temple in question is.

8) As to the Society's claim that "The Greek word na�os', here translated 'temple,' often conveys the broad sense of the entire edifice erected for Jehovah's worship.", it has been pointed out many times that this is exactly backwards. na�os' does mean the temple building itself, made up of the holy place and the inner sanctuary, the Most Holy. hi�er�on' is the word used for the entire temple grounds, including the court of the gentiles and the place where Jesus famously drove out the moneychangers. But don't take my word for it:

What kind of building could this be that had room for all this traffic? The fact is that this temple was not just one building but a series of structures of which the temple sanctuary was the center. In the original tongue this is made quite clear, the Scripture writers distinguishing between the two by the use of the words hieron and naos. Hieron referred to the entire temple grounds, whereas naos applied to the temple structure itself, the successor of the tabernacle in the wilderness. Thus John tells that Jesus found all this traffic in the hieron.

The Watchtower, August 15, 1960, p. 493 See">Where Is The Great Crowd Serving God? for more information.

9) Now for the verses that allegedly back up the Society's erroneous assertion that na�os' "often conveys the broad sense of the entire edifice erected for Jehovah's worship" (emphasis mine):

Matthew 26:59-61 -- 59 Meantime the chief priests and the entire San�he�drin were looking for false witness against Jesus in order to put him to death, 60 but they found none, although many false witnesses came forward. Later on two came forward 61 and said: �This man said, �I am able to throw down the temple of God and build it up in three days.��

As we will see, Jesus was not talking about any buildings whatsoever, and it is not possible to be dogmatically certain what this nameless false witness thought he heard Jesus saying, if he was even there that day at all.

Matthew 27:5 -- So he threw the silver pieces into the temple and withdrew, and went off and hanged himself.

Are we really expected to believe that the high priests discussed their illegal bribery of Judas in the public outer courts of the temple grounds? Try again.

Matthew 27:39, 40 -- 39 So the passersby began speaking abusively of him, wagging their heads 40 and saying: �O you would-be thrower-down of the temple and builder of it in three days, save yourself! If you are a son of God, come down off the torture stake!�

See comments on Matt. 26:59-61.

Mark 15:29, 30 -- 29 And those going by would speak abusively to him, wagging their heads and saying: �Bah! You would-be thrower-down of the temple and builder of it in three days� time, 30 save yourself by coming down off the torture stake.�

See comments on Matt. 26:59-61.


John 2:18-22 -- 18 Therefore, in answer, the Jews said to him: �What sign have you to show us, since you are doing these things?� 19 In answer Jesus said to them: �Break down this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.� 20 Therefore the Jews said: �This temple was built in forty-six years, and will you raise it up in three days?� 21 But he was talking about the temple of his body. 22 When, though, he was raised up from the dead, his disciples called to mind that he used to say this; and they believed the Scripture and the saying that Jesus said.

Jesus was speaking of His own flesh-and-blood body, not about temple buildings, built by Herod or otherwise. So much for "often"! Really, if na�os' "often" means more than the central temple building, made up of the holy place and the inner sanctuary, the Most Holy, is it too much to ask for at least one solid example of that? Apparently, it is, since the Society was utterly unable to come up with one.

In conclusion, the Bible says that the great crowd that nobody can count is in Heaven. The Society, without a shred of proof that will stand up to even cursory cross-examination, claims that they are not. Now you must choose whom to believe, God or foolish men. As for me and my house, we will believe God. I pray you choose likewise.




The Raw Data

All verses quoted from the New World Translation:

4:1 - After these things I saw, and, look! an opened door in Heaven, and the first voice that I heard was as of a trumpet, speaking with me, saying: �Come on up here, and I shall show you the things that must take place.�

Noun: I (John) Location: Patmos How do we know? Directly stated in the text, verse 1:9.

Noun: Heaven Location: Unknown (if any) How do we know? N/A

Noun: Door Location: Heaven How do we know? Directly stated in the text.

Noun: Voice Location: Heaven How do we know? Implied by �up here�.

Noun: Trumpet Location: N/A How do we know? Metaphor.

Noun: Things that must take place Location: Various How do we know? N/A

4:2 - After these things I immediately came to be in spirit: and, look! a throne was in its position in heaven, and there is one seated upon the throne.

Noun: I (John) Location: Heaven How do we know? Taken there by the Spirit, in obedience to the command in 4:1. See also 11:12.

Noun: Spirit Location: Not specified How do we know? N/A

Noun: Throne Location: Heaven How do we know? Directly stated in the text.

Noun: Heaven Location: Unknown (if any) How do we know? N/A

Noun: One seated on the throne (God) Location: Heaven How do we know? Seated on the throne; the throne is in Heaven.

4:3 - And the one seated is, in appearance, like a jasper stone and a precious red-colored stone, and round about the throne a rainbow like an emerald in appearance.

Noun: One seated on the throne (God) Location: Heaven How do we know? See 4:2.

Noun: Jasper stone Location: N/A How do we know? Metaphor.

Noun: Red-colored stone Location: N/A How do we know? Metaphor.

Noun: Throne Location: Heaven How do we know? See 4:2.

Noun: Emerald-colored rainbow Location: Heaven How do we know? Round about the throne; the throne is in Heaven.

Noun: Emerald Location: N/A How do we know? Metaphor.

4:4 - And round about the throne twenty-four thrones, and upon these thrones seated twenty-four elders dressed in white outer garments, and upon their heads golden crowns.

Noun: 24 thrones Location: Heaven How do we know? Round about the throne; the throne is in Heaven.

Noun: 24 elders Location: Heaven How do we know? On the 24 thrones, which are round about the throne; the throne is in Heaven.

Noun: 24 white garments Location: Heaven How do we know? On the 24 elders, who are in Heaven.

Noun: 24 crowns Location: Heaven How do we know? On the 24 elders, who are in Heaven.

4:5 - And out of the throne there are proceeding lightnings and voices and thunders; and seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, and these mean the seven spirits of God.

Noun: Throne Location: Heaven How do we know? See 4:2.

Noun: Lightnings Location: Heaven How do we know? Proceeding out of the throne; the throne is in Heaven.

Noun: Voices Location: Heaven How do we know? Proceeding out of the throne; the throne is in Heaven.

Noun: Thunders Location: Heaven How do we know? Proceeding out of the throne; the throne is in Heaven.

Noun: 7 Lamps Location: Heaven How do we know? Burning before the throne; the throne is in Heaven.

Noun: 7 spirits of God Location: N/A How do we know? Metaphor.

4:6 - And before the throne there is, as it were, a glassy sea like crystal. And in the midst of the throne and around the throne four living creatures that are full of eyes in front and behind.

Noun: Throne Location: Heaven How do we know? See 4:2.

Noun: Glassy sea Location: Heaven How do we know? Before the throne; the throne is in Heaven.

Noun: Crystal Location: N/A How do we know? Metaphor.

Noun: 4 living creatures Location: Heaven How do we know? In the midst of, and around, the throne; the throne is in Heaven.

Noun: Eyes Location: Heaven How do we know? Part of the creatures; the creatures are in Heaven

4:7 - And the first living creature is like a lion, and the second living creature is like a young bull, and the third living creature has a face like a man�s, and the fourth living creature is like a flying eagle.

Noun: 4 living creatures Location: Heaven How do we know? See 4:6.

Noun: Lion Location: N/A How do we know? Metaphor.

Noun: Bull Location: N/A How do we know? Metaphor.

Noun: Man Location: N/A How do we know? Metaphor.

Noun: Eagle Location: N/A How do we know? Metaphor.

4:8 - And as for the four living creatures, each one of them respectively has six wings; round about and underneath they are full of eyes. And they have no rest day and night as they say: �Holy, holy, holy is Jehovah God, the Almighty, who was and who is and who is coming.�

Noun: 4 living creatures Location: Heaven How do we know? See 4:6.

Noun: Wings Location: Heaven How do we know? Part of the creatures; the creatures are in Heaven

Noun: Eyes Location: Heaven How do we know? Part of the creatures; the creatures are in Heaven

Noun: Rest Location: N/A How do we know? Abstract noun.

Noun: Day Location: N/A How do we know? Abstract noun.

Noun: Night Location: N/A How do we know? Abstract noun.

Noun: God Location: Heaven How do we know? See 4:3.

4:9 - And whenever the living creatures offer glory and honor and thanksgiving to the one seated upon the throne, the one that lives forever and ever,

Noun: 4 living creatures Location: Heaven How do we know? See 4:6.

Noun: Glory Location: N/A How do we know? Abstract noun.

Noun: Honor Location: N/A How do we know? Abstract noun.

Noun: Thanksgiving Location: N/A How do we know? Abstract noun.

Noun: One seated on the throne (God) Location: Heaven How do we know? See 4:2.

4:10 - the twenty-four elders fall down before the One seated upon the throne and worship the One that lives forever and ever, and they cast their crowns before the throne, saying:

Noun: 24 elders Location: Heaven How do we know? See 4:4.

Noun: One seated on the throne (God) Location: Heaven How do we know? See 4:2.

Noun: 24 crowns Location: Heaven How do we know? Cast before the throne; the throne is in Heaven.

4:11 - �You are worthy, Jehovah, even our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they existed and were created.�

Noun: God Location: Heaven How do we know? See 4:2.

Noun: Glory Location: N/A How do we know? Abstract noun.

Noun: Honor Location: N/A How do we know? Abstract noun.

Noun: Power Location: N/A How do we know? Abstract noun.

Noun: All things Location: Everywhere How do we know? By definition

Noun: God's will Location: N/A How do we know? Abstract noun.

5:1 - And I saw in the right hand of the One seated upon the throne a scroll written within and on the reverse side, sealed tight with seven seals.

Noun: Right hand of the One seated on the throne (God) Location: Heaven How do we know? Part of God, who is in Heaven. (See 4:2.)

Noun: One seated on the throne (God) Location: Heaven How do we know? See 4:2.

Noun: Scroll Location: Heaven How do we know? Held by God, who is in Heaven. (See 4:2.)

Noun: 7 seals on the scroll Location: Heaven How do we know? On the scroll, which is in Heaven.

5:2 - And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice: �Who is worthy to open the scroll and loose its seals?�

Noun: Strong angel Location: Heaven How do we know? Apparently in the vicinity of the scroll in verse 1.

Noun: Loud voice Location: Heaven How do we know? Apparently in the vicinity of the scroll in verse 1.

Noun: Worthy one Location: Unknown How do we know? Question is asked, but not yet answered.

Noun: Scroll Location: Heaven How do we know? See 5:1.

Noun: Scroll's seals Location: Heaven How do we know? See 5:1.

5:3 - But neither in heaven nor upon earth nor underneath the earth was there a single one able to open the scroll or to look into it.

Noun: Heaven Location: Unknown (if any) How do we know? N/A

Noun: Earth Location: Space How do we know? See Genesis 1:1.

Noun: Under the Earth Location: Earth How do we know? Directly stated in the text.

Noun: One able to open the scroll Location: Nowhere How do we know? Directly stated in the text.

Noun: Scroll Location: Heaven How do we know? See 5:1.

5:4 - And I gave way to a great deal of weeping because no one was found worthy to open the scroll or to look into it.

Noun: I (John) Location: Heaven How do we know? See 4:2.

Noun: Weeping Location: Heaven How do we know? John's action; John is in Heaven.

Noun: One able to open the scroll Location: Nowhere How do we know? Directly stated in the text.

Noun: Scroll Location: Heaven How do we know? See 5:1.

5:5 - But one of the elders says to me: �Stop weeping. Look! The Lion that is of the tribe of Judah, the root of David, has conquered so as to open the scroll and its seven seals.�

Noun: One of the 24 elders Location: Heaven How do we know? See 4:4.

Noun: Lion of Judah (Jesus) Location: Heaven How do we know? In the vicinity of the scroll in verse 5:1, and the elders in verses 4:4 & 4:10. (See 5:7.)

Noun: Root of David (Jesus) Location: Heaven How do we know? See above.

Noun: Scroll Location: Heaven How do we know? See 5:1.

Noun: Scroll's 7 seals Location: Heaven How do we know? See 5:1.

5:6 - And I saw standing in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures and in the midst of the elders a lamb as though it had been slaughtered, having seven horns and seven eyes, which mean the seven spirits of God that have been sent forth into the whole earth.

Noun: I (John) Location: Heaven How do we know? See 4:2.

Noun: Throne Location: Heaven How do we know? See 4:2.

Noun: 4 living creatures Location: Heaven How do we know? See 4:6.

Noun: 24 elders Location: Heaven How do we know? See 4:4.

Noun: Lamb (Jesus) Location: Heaven How do we know? Standing in the midst of the throne; the throne is in Heaven.

Noun: 7 horns on the Lamb (Jesus) Location: Heaven How do we know? Part of the Lamb; the Lamb is in Heaven.

Noun: 7 eyes on the Lamb (Jesus) Location: Heaven How do we know? Part of the Lamb; the Lamb is in Heaven.

Noun: 7 Spirits of God Location: N/A How do we know? Explanation of a symbol.

Noun: Earth Location: Space How do we know? See Genesis 1:1.

5:7 - And he went and at once took out of the right hand of the One seated on the throne (God).

Noun: He (Lamb, Jesus) Location: Heaven How do we know? See 5:6.

Noun: It (scroll) Location: Heaven How do we know? See 5:1.

Noun: Right hand of the One seated on the throne (God) Location: Heaven How do we know? Part of God, who is in Heaven. (See 4:2.)

5:8 - And when he took the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, having each one a harp and golden bowls that were full of incense, and the means the prayers of the holy ones.

Noun: Lamb (Jesus) Location: Heaven How do we know? See 5:6.

Noun: Scroll Location: Heaven How do we know? See 5:1.

Noun: 4 living creatures Location: Heaven How do we know? See 4:6.

Noun: 24 elders Location: Heaven How do we know? See 4:4.

Noun: 24 harps Location: Heaven How do we know? Held by the elders, who are in Heaven

Noun: 24 bowls Location: Heaven How do we know? Held by the elders, who are in Heaven

Noun: Incense Location: Heaven How do we know? Held (in bowls) by the elders, who are in Heaven

Noun: Prayers Location: N/A How do we know? Explanation of a symbol.

Noun: Holy ones Location: Not specified, Heaven and/or Earth How do we know? These people are born on Earth, but end up in Heaven.

5:9 - And they sing a new song, saying: �You are worthy to take the scroll and open its seals, because you were slaughtered and with your blood you bought persons for God out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation,

Noun: They (24 elders, possibly also the 4 living creatures) Location: Heaven How do we know? See 4:4, 4:6.

Noun: New song Location: Heaven How do we know? Those singing it are in Heaven.

Noun: You (Lamb, Jesus) Location: Heaven How do we know? See 5:6.

Noun: Scroll Location: Heaven How do we know? See 5:1.

Noun: Scroll's 7 seals Location: Heaven How do we know? See 5:1.

Noun: Lamb�s blood Location: Earth How do we know? Refers to the blood shed on the cross.

Noun: Persons from every tribe and tongue and people and nation Location: Not stated, either Earth or Heaven. How do we know? They come out of the people of Earth, but end up in Heaven.

Noun: God Location: Heaven How do we know? See 4:2.

Noun: Tribes Location: Earth How do we know? See Genesis 1,2.

Noun: Tongues (language groups) Location: Earth How do we know? See Genesis 1,2.

Noun: Peoples Location: Earth How do we know? See Genesis 1,2.

Noun: Nations Location: Earth How do we know? See Genesis 1,2.

5:10 - and you made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth.�

Noun: You (Lamb, Jesus) Location: Heaven How do we know? See 5:6.

Noun: Them (persons from every tribe and tongue and people and nation) Location: Not stated, either Earth or Heaven. How do we know? See 5:9.

Noun: Kingdom Location: Not stated, either Earth or Heaven. How do we know? See 5:9.

Noun: Priests Location: Not stated, either Earth or Heaven. How do we know? See 5:9.

Noun: God Location: Heaven How do we know? See 4:2.

Noun: Kings Location: Not stated, either Earth or Heaven. How do we know? See 5:9.

Noun: Earth Location: Space How do we know? See Genesis 1:1.

5:11 - And I saw, and I heard a voice of many angels around the throne and the living creatures and the elders, and the number of them was myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands,

Noun: Large number of angels Location: Heaven How do we know? Around the throne; the throne is in Heaven.

Noun: Throne Location: Heaven How do we know? See 4:2.

Noun: 4 living creatures Location: Heaven How do we know? See 4:6.

Noun: 24 elders Location: Heaven How do we know? See 4:4.

Noun: Number Location: N/A How do we know? Abstract noun.

Noun: Myriads Location: N/A How do we know? Abstract noun.

Noun: Thousands Location: N/A How do we know? Abstract noun.

5:12 - saying with a loud voice: �The Lamb that was slaughtered is worthy to receive the power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing.�

Noun: Lamb (Jesus) Location: Heaven How do we know? See 5:6.

Noun: Power Location: N/A How do we know? Abstract noun.

Noun: Riches Location: N/A How do we know? Abstract noun.

Noun: Wisdom Location: N/A How do we know? Abstract noun.

Noun: Strength Location: N/A How do we know? Abstract noun.

Noun: Honor Location: N/A How do we know? Abstract noun.

Noun: Glory Location: N/A How do we know? Abstract noun.

Noun: Blessing Location: N/A How do we know? Abstract noun.

5:13 - And every creature that is in heaven and on earth and underneath the earth and on the sea, and all the things in them, I heard saying: �To the One sitting on the throne and to the Lamb be the blessing and the honor and the glory and the might forever and ever.�

Noun: Every creature Location: Heaven, on and under the Earth, on and in the sea. How do we know? Directly stated in the text.

Noun: Heaven Location: Unknown (if any) How do we know? N/A

Noun: Earth Location: Space How do we know? See Genesis 1:1.

Noun: Sea Location: Earth How do we know? See Genesis 1:1.

Noun: All things Location: Heaven, on and under the Earth, on and in the sea. How do we know? Directly stated in the text.

Noun: One seated on the throne (God) Location: Heaven How do we know? See 4:2.

Noun: Lamb (Jesus) Location: Heaven How do we know? See 5:6.

Noun: Honor Location: N/A How do we know? Abstract noun.

Noun: Glory Location: N/A How do we know? Abstract noun.

Noun: Might Location: N/A How do we know? Abstract noun.

5:14 - And the four living creatures went saying: �Amen!� and the elders fell down and worshiped.

Noun: 4 living creatures Location: Heaven How do we know? See 4:6.

Noun: 24 elders Location: Heaven How do we know? See 4:4.

6:1 - And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures say with a voice as of thunder: �Come!�

Noun: I (John)   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 4:2.

Noun: Lamb (Jesus)   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 5:6.

Noun: 1st of the scroll's 7 seals   Location: Heaven   How do we know? On the scroll, which is in Heaven (See 5:1).

Noun: 1st of the 4 living creatures   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 4:6.

Noun: Voice   Location: Heaven   How do we know? Creature's voice; he is in Heaven (See 4:6).

Noun: Thunder   Location: N/A   How do we know? Metaphor.

6:2 - And I saw, and, look! a white horse; and the one seated upon it had a bow; and a crown was given him, and he went forth conquering and to complete his conquest.

Noun: I (John)   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 4:2.

Noun: White horse   Location: Earth   How do we know? Its rider is on Earth.

Noun: One seated on the white horse   Location: Earth   How do we know? Directly stated in the text, verse 6:8.

Noun: Bow   Location: Earth   How do we know? Held by the 1st rider, who is on Earth.

Noun: Crown   Location: Earth   How do we know? Worn by the 1st rider, who is on Earth.

Noun: Conquest   Location: Earth   How do we know? Directly stated in the text, verse 6:8.

6:3 - And when he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say: �Come!�

Noun: He (Lamb, Jesus)   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 5:6.

Noun: 2nd of the scroll's 7 seals   Location: Heaven   How do we know? On the scroll, which is in Heaven (See 5:1).

Noun: I (John)   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 4:2.

Noun: 2nd of the 4 living creatures   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 4:6.

6:4 - And another came forth, a fiery-colored horse; and to the one seated upon it there was granted to take peace away from the earth so that they should slaughter one another; and a great sword was given him.

Noun: Red horse   Location: Earth   How do we know? The 1st rider is on Earth.

Noun: One seated on the red horse   Location: Earth   How do we know? Directly stated in the text, verse 6:8.

Noun: Peace   Location: Earth   How do we know? Directly stated in the text.

Noun: Earth   Location: Space   How do we know? See Genesis 1:1.

Noun: One another   Location: Earth   How do we know? Directly stated in the text.

Noun: Great sword   Location: Earth   How do we know? Held by the 2nd rider, who is on Earth.

6:5 - And when he opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say: �Come!� And I saw, and, look! a black horse; and the one seated upon it had a pair of scales in his hand.

Noun: He (Lamb, Jesus)   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 5:6.

Noun: 3rd of the scroll's 7 seals   Location: Heaven   How do we know? On the scroll, which is in Heaven (See 5:1).

Noun: I (John)   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 4:2.

Noun: 3rd of the 4 living creatures   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 4:6.

Noun: Black horse   Location: Earth   How do we know? Its rider is on Earth.

Noun: One seated on the black horse   Location: Earth   How do we know? Directly stated in the text, verse 6:8.

Noun: Pair of scales   Location: Earth   How do we know? Held by the 3rd rider, who is on Earth.

6:6 - And I heard a voice as if in the midst of the four living creatures say: �A quart of wheat for a de�nar�i�us, and three quarts of barley for a de�nar�i�us; and do not harm the olive oil and the wine.�

Noun: I (John)   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 4:2.

Noun: Voice   Location: Heaven   How do we know? In the midst of the 4 living creatures, who are in Heaven (See 4:6).

Noun: Quart of wheat   Location: Earth   How do we know? Affected by the 3rd rider, who is on Earth.

Noun: Denarius   Location: Earth   How do we know? Affected by the 3rd rider, who is on Earth.

Noun: 3 quarts of barley   Location: Earth   How do we know? Affected by the 3rd rider, who is on Earth.

Noun: Olive oil   Location: Earth   How do we know? Affected by the 3rd rider, who is on Earth.

Noun: Wine   Location: Earth   How do we know? Affected by the 3rd rider, who is on Earth.

6:7 - And when he opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say: �Come!�

Noun: He (Lamb, Jesus)   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 5:6.

Noun: 4th of the scroll's 7 seals   Location: Heaven   How do we know? On the scroll, which is in Heaven (See 5:1).

Noun: I (John)   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 4:2.

Noun: Voice   Location: Heaven   How do we know? Belongs to the 4th of the 4 living creatures, who is in Heaven (See 4:6).

Noun: 4th of the 4 living creatures   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 4:6.

6:8 - And I saw, and, look! a pale horse; and the one seated upon it had the name Death. And Ha�des was closely following him. And authority was given them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with a long sword and with food shortage and with deadly plague and by the wild beasts of the earth.

Noun: I (John)   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 4:2.

Noun: Pale horse   Location: Earth   How do we know? Its rider is on Earth.

Noun: One seated on the pale horse (Death)   Location: Earth   How do we know? Directly stated in the text.

Noun: Hades   Location: Earth   How do we know? Directly stated in the text.

Noun: 1/4 of the Earth   Location: Earth   How do we know? Directly stated in the text.

Noun: Earth   Location: Space   How do we know? See Genesis 1:1.

Noun: Long sword   Location: Earth   How do we know? Directly stated in the text.

Noun: Food shortage   Location: Earth   How do we know? Directly stated in the text.

Noun: Deadly plague   Location: Earth   How do we know? Directly stated in the text.

Noun: Wild beasts   Location: Earth   How do we know? Directly stated in the text.

6:9 - And when he opened the fifth seal, I saw underneath the altar the souls of those slaughtered because of the word of God and because of the witness work that they used to have.

Noun: He (Lamb, Jesus)   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 5:6.

Noun: 5th of the scroll's 7 seals   Location: Heaven   How do we know? On the scroll, which is in Heaven (See 5:1).

Noun: I (John)   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 4:2.

Noun: Altar   Location: Heaven   How do we know? The altar is before the throne (See 8:3); the throne is in Heaven.

Noun: Souls   Location: Heaven   How do we know? Under the altar, which is in Heaven.

Noun: Word of God   Location: N/A   How do we know? Abstract noun.

Noun: Witness work   Location: Earth   How do we know? They were on Earth while doing this work.

6:10 - And they cried with a loud voice, saying: �Until when, Sovereign Lord holy and true, are you refraining from judging and avenging our blood upon those who dwell on the earth?�
Noun: They (souls)   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 6:9

Noun: Loud voice   Location: Heaven   How do we know? Voice of souls, who are in Heaven.

Noun: Sovereign Lord   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 4:2.

Noun: Blood of the souls   Location: Earth   How do we know? Shed on Earth by those on Earth.

Noun: Those on Earth   Location: Earth   How do we know? Directly stated in the text.

Noun: Earth   Location: Space   How do we know? See Genesis 1:1.

6:11 - And a white robe was given to each of them; and they were told to rest a little while longer, until the number was filled also of their fellow slaves and their brothers who were about to be killed as they also had been.

Noun: White robe   Location: Heaven   How do we know? Given to the souls in Heaven.

Noun: Number   Location: N/A   How do we know? Abstract noun.

Noun: Fellow slaves   Location: Earth   How do we know? To be killed on Earth, as the souls had been killed on Earth

Noun: Bothers   Location: Earth   How do we know? To be killed on Earth, as the souls had been killed on Earth

6:12 - And I saw when he opened the sixth seal, and a great earthquake occurred; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the entire moon became as blood,

Noun: I (John)   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 4:2.

Noun: 6th of the scroll's 7 seals   Location: Heaven   How do we know? On the scroll, which is in Heaven (See 5:1).

Noun: Great earthquake   Location:    How do we know?

Noun: Sun   Location: Space   How do we know? See Genesis 1:1.

Noun: Sackcloth   Location: N/A   How do we know? Metaphor.

Noun: Moon   Location: Space   How do we know? See Genesis 1:1.

Noun: Blood   Location: N/A   How do we know? Metaphor.

6:13 - and the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as when a fig tree shaken by a high wind casts its unripe figs.

Noun: Stars   Location: Space   How do we know? See Genesis 1:1.

Noun: Heaven   Location: Unknown (if any)   How do we know? N/A

Noun: Earth   Location: Space   How do we know? See Genesis 1:1.

Noun: Fig tree   Location: N/A   How do we know?

Noun: High wind   Location: N/A   How do we know?

Noun: Figs   Location: N/A   How do we know? Metaphor.

Noun:    Location:    How do we know? Metaphor.

Noun:    Location:    How do we know? Metaphor.

6:14 - And the heaven departed as a scroll that is being rolled up, and every mountain and [every] island were removed from their places.

Noun: Heaven (Earth's atmosphere, not the Heaven where God's throne is.)   Location: Earth   How do we know? See Genesis 1:1.

Noun: Scroll   Location: N/A   How do we know? Metaphor.

Noun: Every mountain   Location: Earth   How do we know? Affected by the earthquake in 6:12.

Noun: Every island   Location: Earth   How do we know?

6:15 - And the kings of the earth and the top-ranking ones and the military commanders and the rich and the strong ones and every slave and [every] free person hid themselves in the caves and in the rock-masses of the mountains.

Noun: Kings   Location: Earth   How do we know? Fleeing the earthquake in 6:12.

Noun: Top-ranking people   Location: Earth   How do we know? Fleeing the earthquake in 6:12.

Noun: Military commanders   Location: Earth   How do we know? Fleeing the earthquake in 6:12.

Noun: The rich   Location: Earth   How do we know? Fleeing the earthquake in 6:12.

Noun: The strong   Location: Earth   How do we know? Fleeing the earthquake in 6:12.

Noun: Every slave   Location: Earth   How do we know? Fleeing the earthquake in 6:12.

Noun: Every free person   Location: Earth   How do we know? Fleeing the earthquake in 6:12.

Noun: Caves   Location: Earth   How do we know? Shelter from the earthquake in 6:12.

Noun: Rocks   Location: Earth   How do we know? Shelter from the earthquake in 6:12.

Noun: Mountains   Location: Earth   How do we know? Shelter from the earthquake in 6:12.

6:16 - And they keep saying to the mountains and to the rock-masses: �Fall over us and hide us from the face of the One seated on the throne (God) and from the wrath of the Lamb,

Noun: They (people listed in verse 6:15)   Location: Earth   How do we know? Fleeing the earthquake in 6:12.

Noun: Mountains   Location: Earth   How do we know? Shelter from the earthquake in 6:12.

Noun: Rocks   Location: Earth   How do we know? Shelter from the earthquake in 6:12.

Noun: God's face   Location: N/A   How do we know? Figure of speech for God's attention.

Noun: Lamb's wrath   Location: N/A   How do we know? Abstract noun.

6:17 - because the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to stand?�

Noun: Great day   Location: N/A   How do we know? Abstract noun.

Noun: Their (Lamb's and God's) wrath   Location: N/A   How do we know? Abstract noun.

Noun: One who is able to stand   Location: Nowhere   How do we know? Stated in the text, as a rhetorical question.

7:1 - After this I saw four angels standing upon the four corners of the earth, holding tight the four winds of the earth, that no wind might blow upon the earth or upon the sea or upon any tree.

Noun: I (John)   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 4:2.

Noun: 4 angels   Location: Earth   How do we know? Directly stated in the text.

Noun: 4 corners of Earth   Location: Earth   How do we know? Directly stated in the text.

Noun: 4 winds   Location: Earth   How do we know? Directly stated in the text.

Noun: No wind   Location: Earth   How do we know? Directly stated in the text.

Noun: Earth (land)   Location: Earth   How do we know? Contrasted with the Earth's seas.

Noun: Sea   Location: Earth   How do we know? Only seas on Earth would be affected by stopping the Earth's winds.

Noun: Any tree   Location: Earth   How do we know? Only trees on Earth would be affected by stopping the Earth's winds.

7:2 - And I saw another angel ascending from the sunrising, having a seal of [the] living God; and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea,

Noun: I (John)   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 4:2.

Noun: Angel   Location: Earth   How do we know? Rises from the East on Earth, talks to the angel on Earth in 7:1.

Noun: Sunrising (east)   Location: Earth   How do we know? The sunrise is a phenomenon viewed from the Earth's surface, caused by the Earth's rotating on its axis.

Noun: God's seal   Location: Earth   How do we know? Held by an angel who is on Earth.

Noun: Loud voice   Location: Earth   How do we know? Spoken by an angel who is on Earth.

Noun: 4 angels   Location: Earth   How do we know? See 7:1.

Noun: Earth (land)   Location: Earth   How do we know? See 7:1.

Noun: Sea   Location: Earth   How do we know? See 7:1.

7:3 - saying: �Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees, until after we have sealed the slaves of our God in their foreheads.�

Noun: Earth (land)   Location: Earth   How do we know? See 7:1.

Noun: Sea   Location: Earth   How do we know? See 7:1.

Noun: Trees   Location: Earth   How do we know? See 7:1.

Noun: God's slaves   Location: Earth   How do we know? There would be no need to delay judgement upon the Earth for the sake of the slaves, if the slaves were not on Earth.

Noun: The slaves' foreheads   Location: Earth   How do we know? Part of the slaves, who are on Earth.

7:4 - And I heard the number of those who were sealed, a hundred and forty-four thousand, sealed out of every tribe of the sons of Israel:

Noun: 144,00 who are sealed(God's slaves)   Location: Earth   How do we know? See 7:3.

Noun: Every tribe of Israel(God's slaves)   Location: Earth   How do we know? See 7:3.

7:5 - Out of the tribe of Judah twelve thousand sealed; out of the tribe of Reu�ben twelve thousand; out of the tribe of Gad twelve thousand;

Noun: 12,000 from Judah   Location: Earth   How do we know? See 7:3.

Noun: 12,000 from Reuben   Location: Earth   How do we know? See 7:3.

Noun: 12,000 from Gad   Location: Earth   How do we know? See 7:3.

7:6 - out of the tribe of Asher twelve thousand; out of the tribe of Naphtali twelve thousand; out of the tribe of Manasseh twelve thousand;

Noun: 12,000 from Asher   Location: Earth   How do we know? See 7:3.

Noun: 12,000 from Naphtali   Location: Earth   How do we know? See 7:3.

Noun: 12,000 from Mannasseh   Location: Earth   How do we know? See 7:3.

7:7 - out of the tribe of Sim�e�on twelve thousand; out of the tribe of Le�vi twelve thousand; out of the tribe of Is�sa�char twelve thousand;

Noun: 12,000 from Simeon   Location: Earth   How do we know? See 7:3.

Noun: 12,000 from Levi Earth   Location: Earth   How do we know? See 7:3.

Noun: 12,000 from Issachar   Location: Earth   How do we know? See 7:3.

7:8 - out of the tribe of Zeb�u�lun twelve thousand; out of the tribe of Joseph twelve thousand; out of the tribe of Benjamin twelve thousand sealed.

Noun: 12,000 from Zebulun   Location: Earth   How do we know? See 7:3.

Noun: 12,000 from Joseph   Location: Earth   How do we know? See 7:3.

Noun: 12,000 from Benjamin   Location: Earth   How do we know? See 7:3.

7:9 - After these things I saw, and, look! a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes; and there were palm branches in their hands.

Noun: I (John)   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 4:2.

Noun: Great crowd   Location: Heaven   How do we know? Standing before the throne and before the Lamb; the throne and the Lamb are in Heaven.

Noun: Nations   Location: Earth   How do we know? Earth is where God created humans. (The great crowd came out of them; it is not still among them.)

Noun: Tribes   Location: Earth   How do we know? Earth is where God created humans. (The great crowd came out of them; it is not still among them.)

Noun: Peoples   Location: Earth   How do we know? Earth is where God created humans. (The great crowd came out of them; it is not still among them.)

Noun: Tongues (language groups)   Location: Earth   How do we know? Earth is where God created humans. (The great crowd came out of them; it is not still among them.)

Noun: Lamb (Jesus)   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 5:6.

Noun: White robes   Location: Heaven   How do we know? Worn by the great crowd; the great crowd is in Heaven.

Noun: Palm branches   Location: Heaven   How do we know? Held by the great crowd; the great crowd is in Heaven.

7:10 - And they keep on crying with a loud voice, saying: �Salvation [we owe] to our God, who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb.�

Noun: They (great crowd)   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 7:9.

Noun: Loud voice   Location: Heaven   How do we know? Belongs to the great crowd; the great crowd is in Heaven (See 7:9).

Noun: Salvation   Location: N/A   How do we know? Abstract noun.

Noun: God   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 4:2.

Noun: Throne   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 4:2.

Noun: Lamb (Jesus)   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 5:6.

7:11 - And all the angels were standing around the throne and the elders and the four living creatures, and they fell upon their faces before the throne and worshiped God,

Noun: All the angels   Location: Heaven   How do we know? Standing around the throne; the throne is in Heaven (See 4:2).

Noun: Throne   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 4:2.

Noun: 24 elders   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 4:4.

Noun: 4 living creatures   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 4:6.

Noun: Angels' faces   Location: Heaven   How do we know? Part of the angels, who are in Heaven.

Noun: God   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 4:2.

7:12 - saying: �Amen! The blessing and the glory and the wisdom and the thanksgiving and the honor and the power and the strength [be] to our God forever and ever. Amen.�

Noun: Blessing   Location: N/A   How do we know? Abstract noun.

Noun: Glory   Location: N/A   How do we know? Abstract noun.

Noun: Wisdom   Location: N/A   How do we know? Abstract noun.

Noun: Thanksgiving    Location: N/A   How do we know? Abstract noun.

Noun: Honor   Location: N/A   How do we know? Abstract noun.

Noun: Power   Location: N/A   How do we know? Abstract noun.

Noun: Strength   Location: N/A   How do we know? Abstract noun.

Noun: God   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 4:2.

7:13 - And in response one of the elders said to me: �These who are dressed in the white robes, who are they and where did they come from?�

Noun: One of the 24 elders   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 4:4.

Noun: Me (John)   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 4:2.

Noun: People in white robes (great crowd)   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 7:9.

Noun: White robes   Location: Heaven   How do we know? Worn by the great crowd; the great crowd is in Heaven.

7:14 - So right away I said to him: �My lord, you are the one that knows.� And he said to me: �These are the ones that come out of the great tribulation, and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.

Noun: I (John)   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 4:2.

Noun: Him (one of the 24 elders)   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 4:4.

Noun: Lord (one of the 24 elders)   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 4:4.

Noun: One who knows (one of the 24 elders)   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 4:4.

Noun: Ones out of the great tribulation (great crowd)   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 7:9.

Noun: Great tribulation (great crowd)   Location: Earth   How do we know? The great tribulation is part of God's judgement against unbelieving humans on Earth.

Noun: White robes   Location: Heaven   How do we know? Worn by the great crowd; the great crowd is in Heaven.

Noun: Lamb�s blood   Location: Earth   How do we know? Refers to the blood shed on the cross.

7:15 - That is why they are before the throne of God; and they are rendering him sacred service day and night in his temple; and the One seated on the throne (God) will spread his tent over them.

Noun: They (great crowd)   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 7:9.

Noun: Throne   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 4:2.

Noun: God   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 4:2.

Noun: Sacred service   Location: Heaven   How do we know? Both those giving the service (See 7:9) and the temple in which they serve (See 11:1, 11:19, 14:17, 15:5) are in Heaven.

Noun: One seated on the throne (God)   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 4:2.

Noun: Tent   Location: N/A   How do we know? Figure of speech for God's loving care and protection.

7:16 - They will hunger no more nor thirst anymore, neither will the sun beat down upon them nor any scorching heat,

Noun: They (great crowd)   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 7:9.

Noun: Sun   Location: Space   How do we know? See Genesis 1:1.

Noun: Heat   Location: Earth   How do we know? Like hunger and thirst, heat is part of the experience of living on this present Earth.

7:17 - because the Lamb, who is in the midst of the throne, will shepherd them, and will guide them to fountains of waters of life. And God will wipe out every tear from their eyes.�

Noun: Lamb (Jesus)   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 5:6.

Noun: Throne   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 4:2.

Noun: Them (great crowd)   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 7:9.

Noun: Fountains of waters of life   Location: Heaven   How do we know? Both the Lamb who leads them (See 5:6) and those being led (See 7:9) are in Heaven. See also 21:1.

Noun: God   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 4:2.

Noun: Tears   Location: Heaven   How do we know? In the eyes of the great crowd, who are in Heaven (See 5:6).

Noun: Eyes   Location: Heaven   How do we know? Part of the great crowd, who are in Heaven (See 5:6).

8:1 - And when he opened the seventh seal, a silence occurred in heaven for about a half hour.

Noun: He (Lamb, Jesus)   Location: Heaven   How do we know? See 5:6.

Noun: 7th of the scroll's 7 seals   Location: Heaven   How do we know? On the scroll, which is in Heaven (See 5:1).

Noun: Silence   Location: Heaven   How do we know? Directly stated in the text.

Noun: Heaven   Location: Unknown (if any)   How do we know? N/A

Feel free to use this however you choose. I'd recommend pasting it into a word processor file, and printing out the chart without the answers filled in. Ask a Jehovah's Witness to help you fill in the blanks. See how far you can get.